August 24, 2020 Agency Comments

Auto Innovators Provides Comments to Virginia EV Incentive Working Group

As directed by the legislature, the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy convened an Electric Vehicle Incentive Working Group to determine the feasibility of an electric vehicle rebate program. The Working Group is tasked with (a) reviewing potential methods of structuring and administering an electric vehicle rebate program, (b) reviewing funding opportunities available to facilitate such a rebate, (c) evaluating the vehicle sales data in states in which an electric vehicle rebate program has been implemented before and after such implementation, and (d) determining the ideal metrics for an electric vehicle rebate program. Any recommendations issued by the working group will be guided by the following parameters: (1) no program shall authorize rebates of more than $4,500 for individual consumer purchases of qualified zero-emission vehicles; (2) the program may include incentives for individuals with an income below 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines; (3) the program shall allow both online and paper applications; and (4) the program, if properly funded, will be operational no later than December 30, 2021.

Auto innovators participated in the Working Group’s three stakeholder meetings which were held in July and August. Based on member input and discussions held during the working group meetings, Auto Innovators submitted the attached letter to the EV Incentive Working Group. We expect a draft report to be released in September which will provide another opportunity to comment. The final report from the working group is due to the legislature by November 1.